Friday, 14 June 2013

Fathers Day

Father’s Day is celebrated all over the world to mark the importance of fathers and the roles they play in their children’s upbringing. Just like Mother’s Day, which is a day for showing love and appreciation to mothers and motherhood, Father’s Day has become customary as an annual celebration in many countries of the world.
In India, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and although not a public holiday, it’s still a very popular day with children gifting their fathers and spending the day with them. This year, Father’s Day is on June 16, while last year it was on June17 and the next year it will be celebrated on June 15. According to the Vedas, fathers have always been held in high regard and occupy very high status. Indian epics like Ramayana also hold fathers in high esteem. It was because of Ram’s father Dasarath and his word to Kaikeyi, his second wife that Ram went to 14 years in exile, passing on his inheritance to Bharat, Kaikeyi’s son.
Father’s Day has its roots in the early part of 20th century in the United States. After being inspired by Anna Jarvis, who was behind the success of Mother’s Day in the US, some people wanted to create different holidays for other family members. Father’s Day was then seen as the most logical choice, with a high probability of success. While many thought of Father’s Day independently in different parts of the US, Sonora Dodd is the one who is given credit for the modern holiday.
Sonora Smart Dodd founded Father’s Day in Spokane, Washington in 1910. The first celebration took place on June 19, 1910 after Dodd heard about Jarvis’ Mother’s Day at a sermon and immediately spoke to her pastor about a day that should be marked for honoring fathers. Her father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran and a single parent who raised six children was initially the reason behind Dodd’s thought who wanted to celebrate the day on June 5, her father’s birthday. But the pastors didn’t have enough time to prepare sermons for the occasion and therefore, the celebrations were deferred to the third Sunday of June.
At Floralis, we salute dads the world over and can’t thank them enough for being there for us always. Mothers are integral and give us unconditional love and support. But our fathers are the ones we turn to seek strength and determination when we are down. When they are around, we feel protected and cared for. Who can forget how we used to cuddle up to them when we were scared as kids? They shaped our characters, made us strong and helped us walk on the right path.
As a day for celebrating fathers and how much they mean to us, Floralis wants you to shower your love and care this Father’s Day. With an eclectic collection of gifts, home décor products and other novelties, you’ll find something for daddy dearest. Whether he’s living with you or away, Floralis gives you enough reasons to remember that one person who held your fingers and taught you to stand on your own feet.

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